Thursday, April 5, 2007

Spring break

It seems like a whole week passed between my last post and this one. So much has happened in the last weekend, and it will be a challenge to make this one short. But I shall try.

It has been a pretty medical weekend, what with me getting my blood checked and my leg filmed in X-ray. I hope that it is easy to send developed X-ray film to the Philippines. I was happy with what my lower leg looked like on the film, and I hope that my orthopedic surgeon would be happy as well.

I'll be aiming to stay home more. So far I'm succeeding, leaving the house only when necessary.

I was aiming to disconnect from the Internet this Spring break. Well, you know how that's turning out. Maybe Friday I'll disconnect.

The youth retreat earlier today was a lot of fun. It was the most spontaneous one I've ever been on.

That's all I have to say for now. Thanks again for reading.

Song in my head: The Pillows, "Carnivore".

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