Saturday, December 22, 2007

Seventeen syllables, No. 45

Piano fingers see
Kitchen blade--thud!--Fingers one
Piece; Peking duck two.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Seventeen syllables, No. 44

While I type, the song
Buzzes about in my head--
My fluorescent head.

Seventeen syllables, No. 43

Enlightenment is
The silence from the last song
Up to pressing "Stop".

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The semester I came back

It feels like coming back from a long vacation, and just like in a real vacation, it feels good. ^_^

Today I received a tiny yet momentous hope that I will be able to pass my Calculus class--after three tries. My grades haven't been the best for that class, but from the tests and homework I have been submitting, it seems that I am at least hanging by a moment at a C right now. Additionally I'm feeling really good about the final, even though I wasn't able to answer these two really easy questions there (which I chalked up to the normal test jitters)--I walked out of that testing area looking forward to the next class in the series. I really hope the third time is the charm. ^_^

Today I found out that someone has counted me among her friends. Quite a surprising discovery for me, because lately I've been feeling kind of nothing special. She spilled her guts over some fast food, so the best I could do was to comfort her, saying that I went through almost the same thing. Kind of therapeutic, I should say... for both of us.

Hope tomorrow is also good.

Thanks for reading.

Song in my head: Genesis, "Follow You Follow Me". I can't describe what this song makes me feel. There's an almost spiritual quality to it... whatever it is, it's part of imo.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Seventeen syllables, No. 42

Have internationalized
Me demonstrably.

Seventeen syllables, No. 41

To ears, the shower
Is indistinguishable
From pan fried fish halves.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What about some high-order communications topic?

What about, indeed. If you've got a few minutes, please help a fellow friend out; one of my friends has written a reflection on underlying gender messages in popular fairytales; she invites as many people as possible to give it a read and place a comment. She hopes (as do I) that you be enriched by this endeavor.

No, you don't have to leave a name. Yes, it's for a class (hers, not mine ^_^). Any other questions? Go on over to her blog and ask her yourself.

Thanks for reading. Now, what are you waiting for!? Go on, I won't be upset. Not too much.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Seventeen syllables, No. 40

How did the half moon
Manage to fit between my
Bedroom window slats?